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Leading, Coaching and mentoring with your heart...


As a Business Administrator and Leader for the past 19 years I have had the opportunity to lead and mentor many teams and nothing gives me more satisfaction than to teach someone how do something with excellence but more importantly, with passion.❤

To lead with your heart and genuinely care for those you mentor, is truly a big responsibility and a gift all at once. If there was one thing I could teach our next generation of Leaders, would be exactly that... Lead with compassion, love, fairness and excellence.

I had the wonderful opportunity to speak and teach a Business Etiquette Class to the amazing "Delta Sigma Pi" Professional Business fraternity at the prestigious University of Tampa.

I was delighted to be able to speak to a younger generation of future professional leaders about the importance of emotional intelligence, resilience, leading with compassion and embracing diversity among many things.

To see a group of young adults as engaged and as eager to learn all aspects of Business Etiquette was a beautiful thing.

We went over the Business Dining etiquette curriculum, closing business deals at a restaurant or event.

We discussed personal image, and how it is imperative that you "dress the way you want to be addressed". First impressions are everything!

If you are interested in learning more about Business Etiquette, go to the service tab and register for the Business Etiquette class.


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